How Email Marketing Can Ease Your Content Promotion

What marketing strategy are you currently using? While you should be making the most out of all the tools available, there are two standouts you can't live without: email marketing and content promotion.

What's fantastic about these two strategies is that they complement one another, like the two best players on a basketball team. Email marketing won't get very far without compelling and useful content to back it up. Your perfectly written article isn't worth anything if you have an amateur email game.

[bctt tweet="To leverage the power of email and content marketing, you need to be exceptional at doing both." username="relevance"]

Let's dig a little deeper and explore the correlation between the two strategies.

Content is King

Companies that know how to play the word game are thriving online. Compared to outbound marketing, content marketing has a 6x higher conversion rate and generates 3x more leads. It also has the potential to boost web traffic sevenfold. Content has become such an essential part of marketing these days, but why?

Well, the main reason is people like knowing more about a product through a story, rather than a sales pitch. With the right approach, your visitors won't feel that you're selling them anything. Great content makes people think they're getting something valuable just by being on your mailing list.

This level of audience engagement and trust builds long-term relationships that convert. Content marketing is all about talking to your target audience. The best way to do that is by integrating it with email marketing.

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Email Marketing: The Perfect Content Delivery System

Email marketing matters.

So much so, that this strategy has been the highest ROI-generating marketing channel for ten years running. For every $1 spent on email marketing, the potential return is around $44. Welcome emails generate 320% more revenue per email compared to other promotional emails.

Email marketing even trumps newer strategies like social media when it comes to returns. The reason for this dominance is email's higher conversion rate per session.

What does all this have to do with content marketing?

To get your message across, you need to have a fast and efficient delivery system that everyone has access to. For content distribution, nothing beats email marketing because of its ability to reach more people.

Take a look at these numbers:

Email marketing helps you build on the relationship that started with your content marketing campaign. Your subscribers already told you they want to hear back from you when they opted in. You can use this opening by providing useful content with subtle hints at what your business can offer them, without sounding too sales-y.

How to Use Email Marketing to Boost Your Content Marketing Strategy

Using email marketing to improve your content marketing campaign is effective, but only if you know how to integrate the two. Here are a few tips on how to do it.

Email Subscriber List Segmentation

Segmented emails generate 760% more revenue than other email campaigns. To better serve those that opted-in, you need to break them up. Divide your subscriber list into primary segments based on age, location, and gender. You can use advanced sections like interests and behavior to further break-up your customers.

Separating your subscribers allows you to create "smart segments" based on what they want. Providing personalized and relevant content that resonates with your audience is a sure way to win them over and keep them long-term.

You have to ensure that your emails are getting through to the right people, though, especially for B2B clients. One way to find out is by doing a good old-fashioned Google search. You can also use social media and online reverse email lookup services to fortify your email list with the right information.

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Use Email Surveys to Know Your Subscriber's Preferences

Even with all the data, it's tough to know what people want. If you're having trouble interpreting the information, go ahead and ask your subscribers. An excellent way to break the ice and get on your customer's good side is by sending a welcome email.

After the introductions, ask your new subscribers what type of content they want to receive from you. Also, ask them about email frequency or how many emails they want per month. These steps will help your followers feel in-control of the relationship and tell you exactly what content they want.

Choosing Shared Content

Your subscriber list has people who signed up to hear from your company. What this means is they want more information about you, but not just any kind of information. People are busy, so your content has to be spot on and extremely relevant. You have a tiny window of opportunity to prove to your audience that they made the right choice by not deleting your email.

Make things count by choosing the right content for the situation. The message has to grab their attention and be interesting enough to merit a click to your website or blog. Choose material that will make your subscribers feel the immediate benefits of being part of your email list.

Your content needs to be engaging and memorable if you want customers to connect with your brand. Think outside the box, and set yourself apart from other businesses by doing something they're not doing.

Encourage Sharing on Social Media

To create even more value for your content, it needs to reach more people. One way to do this is by asking your subscribers to share the content on social media. The people on your list are already loyal followers of your brand.

After they share your content with friends and family, these people will more than likely join your mailing list and become fans, too. To make your content easier for people to share, include social media buttons in your email.

Link to Content on Your Site

After you've determined what content to promote in your email marketing campaign, make sure you link to pages on your blog or website. You can also use calls to action if there's more content you want to link to.

It would be best if you were strategic when it comes to a call to action link. Make sure it's appealing and specific enough not to sound cheesy. Your links should also be easy to identify, and they should fit the context of your message.

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Today's marketing landscape is changing, and it would be a mistake to put all your eggs in one basket. If you're pouring all your money, time, and effort into a single marketing channel, you're missing out. Audiences now have integrated browsing strategies where they jump from one platform to another to search for info.

To engage and capture your audience, you'll need a multi-faceted approach to marketing. By integrating email and content marketing, you're leveraging the power of each channel and playing to their strengths.

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