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Ways Financial Marketers Can Get Content Marketing Right

Date published: November 03, 2019
Last updated: November 3, 2019

Good content marketing means providing customers with content that they're interested in at the moment. For financial marketers, your goal should be to answer any questions that your customers might have and to solve their problems. If your customers are interested in credit cards and how they work, you can write numerous articles about how to qualify for credit cards, how to maintain a credit card, and how credit card limits can be raised. No matter the subject that you decide to focus on, it's important that your target audience is interested in the content you provide them with. Even though financial content marketing can be difficult to effectively integrate into a website, there are some tips and guidelines that should help you get content marketing right.

What Is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is considered to be a form of inbound marketing that occurs when a business develops content that their target audience will find useful. The main goals of content marketing are to increase brand awareness, to increase customer conversion rates, and to grow the trust that the customers have in the brand. Before you begin to implement content marketing into your website, it's important to understand that this form of marketing isn't designed to directly advertise the financial services that you offer. For instance, if your company provides customers with a way to send money to friends and family members, your core audience may be interested in learning how to transfer money in-person or about the benefits that can be derived from doing so.

You'll want to focus on providing your customers with content that provides solutions to some of the problems that they have. If customers don't know how to transfer money in-person, providing them with tips and suggestions on how to do so can be very helpful. No matter the type of financial service you offer, likely the best form of content marketing is to place a blog section on your website that includes regular articles and updates for your customers to read. Some other types of content marketing that you should consider include podcasts, social media posts, white papers, and videos, the latter of which is a great way to engage the modern audience.

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How to Get Content Marketing Right

Getting content marketing right requires a significant amount of practice and perseverance. While you'll need to fine-tune your marketing techniques over time, the following tips and guidelines should help you avoid some of the problems that can occur with financial content marketing.

Make Sure That Content Has a Specific Purpose

Among the most important elements of successful content marketing is making sure that the content has a specific purpose to it. While this content isn't designed to directly advertise the financial services and products that you offer, it should naturally lead to a call-to-action at the conclusion of the article that shows the reader how to purchase your financial services or how to learn more about them.

If your business offers credit cards with low interest rates, the articles that you write for your blog could include such titles as "10 Reasons to Apply for a Credit Card", "How to Get the Most Out of a Credit Card", and "How to Choose the Best Credit Card for You". You want the people who read the articles to be more interested in purchasing your financial service or product once they've finished reading the article.

Quality Is More Important Than Quantity

In order for financial content marketing to be successful, you need to focus on quality as opposed to quantity. While it's important that you provide prospective customers and readers with regular blog posts that they'll find interesting, it's also highly important that the content is actually well-written. If you can't find a purpose for an article that you're thinking of writing, you shouldn't write it.

Most of the business blogs that are effective will publish new articles anywhere from once per day to twice every week. While you should never wait too long between blog updates, it's also important that you don't inundate the blog with countless articles. It should also be noted that search engines like Google will rank websites lower if they publish content constantly, which will invariably lessen the impact of the content.

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You Should Target the Right Keywords

In order for your financial content marketing to draw customers to your website, it needs to be well-optimized for search engines, which means that you need to target the right keywords. A keyword or phrase is something that a prospective customer may type into a search engine like Google or Bing. If the content that you write includes several mentions of a popular keyword, your website may appear towards the top of search results, which makes it much more likely that the person who sent the query will enter your website.

While using the right keywords is important, it's also essential that you don't stuff keywords into your videos and blog posts. These words and phrases should make sense when placed in the content. A great way to select the right keywords for your content marketing is by looking at frequently asked questions on Google. When you enter a query into Google, you'll be provided with articles related to the query as well as similar questions that are frequently asked. If you write articles that answer these questions, your content marketing will almost certainly be effective.

Your Content Should Be Lengthy

Most businesses tend to avoid writing longer content because of the costs related to doing so and the belief that site visitors will become bored when reading lengthier articles. However, your target audience will remain interested in longer articles as long as the content within is engaging and relevant to their interests. Longer articles also perform better on social media platforms when compared to shorter blog articles.

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Always Use a Call-to-Action

You should conclude each of your articles with a call-to-action, which is basically an actionable step that the reader can take. If you have a financial newsletter, your call-to-action could as simple as "Sign up now to join our monthly financial newsletter.". If your want to convert readers into customers, you'll need to end each article with a concise and well-written call-to-action.

While financial content marketing can be more difficult to implement than other forms of marketing, the guidelines that apply to other types of marketing also apply here. By providing your customers with the content that appeals with them, your marketing campaigns should give you high returns.

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