2 Steps to Convert Twitter Into a Lead Generation Tool

Date published: October 26, 2018
Last updated: October 26, 2018

If you think that Twitter is just for retweets, replies, and followers then walk ahead of it. When marketers say the power of Social Media, one of the platforms they are targeting towards is Twitter. Twitter has the capability to become a great tool for marketers, especially in lead generation.

Since a decade Twitter is proving itself as one of the best lead generation engine. 94% of people on Twitter are willing to buy something from the businesses they follow.

A single tweet gives you an opportunity to reach out to thousands of people. What could be better than that, if you’re working for your sales statistics to get increased?

There are cases where people face difficulties with Twitter for lead generation to consider it as a tool

But then we hear success stories of business who’ve been to able to seek Twitter as one of the important platforms for the growth of their business.

Why Twitter As A Lead Generation Tool? 

One of the biggest challenges that come across in lead generation is finding a hub of the audience sharing the same interest and looking for similar things.

Well! With over 335 million active monthly users that's not a problem to get concerned about.

Apart from high reach, you can get in touch with anyone, literally anyone in this world in a way that’s not sales driven, but can help you in building your brand and loyalty among your existing customers.

In this article, I’ll make you go through the techniques that can help you in converting your Twitter into a Lead Generation Tool.

Broadly, there two main approaches to generating leads through Twitter.

  1. Application of Manual strategies
  2. Using In-House Twitter Ad-options

1. Application Of Manual Strategies 

Developing your Twitter in such a way that it starts giving with a very minimal investment of time is the key to this approach.

It’s a caution for business owners that you have to go in with a plan to get the maximum result from Twitter.

You’ll spend tons of time on Twitter and have little in your hand if you follow a zigzag path instead of a well-defined plan.

Develop a target audience 

To maximize the benefits of using Twitter as a lead generation tool, it is necessary to shoot your arrows on the mark.

Make sure that you’re growing your followers on Twitter consists of people who care about what you do.

Some of the ways by which you can concentrate on your target audience are:

  • Following the people who have an interest in your industry. Twitter users are more likely to follow you back if you’re making some sense to them.
  • Looking for followers of the other business accounts that resembles your business.
  • Looking for people that tweeted about the topic recently which is related to your products/services.

Hashtagify.me is a great tool for finding relevantly related hashtags and influencers.

I searched for the hashtag “digitalmarketing” and see the results:

Work On Your Landing Page 

We all know that Twitter provides us an option of attaching one URL to our profile. Most of the time people attach their website links which no doubt justifiable, it can give your brand a better exposure.

But might not so helpful if you’re looking for quick conversion through Twitter. The landing page on the other side can make a visitor focus on your products/services without getting distracted by other stuff which he might not look for.

Take a look at Neil Patel's Twitter Profile: He mentioned his consulting service page in the Link section:

Build Strong CTA 

The main hurdle and essence of Twitter are its foundation of 280 words. You have to convey your information and attract them with your offers and make them feel the need of your product and all that in just 280 words.

Here you can use effective Call To Action words instead of dragging it to “click in the link below”. Instead, you can use CTA in words like Save, Win, Offer. These words attract buyers like nothing else and will make them click on them.

Check the actionable bio of Evernote:

Monitor Your Conversation

Networking is an Asset in your Business. Twitter is not only to show off your Brand. You have to connect with your audience and have to maintain your conversation with them all the way possible.

Some of the ways to remain active in conversations that can let you attract leads are:

Check Related Topics – Keep an eye on talks of your brand and keywords related to your product/services.

Use Advanced Search – Take use of advanced search functions to find tweets or people based on location and relevant topics in your industry.

Use Proper Hashtags – Try to join trending conversations by using running hashtags, make sure not to get involved in every or any trending hashtag. Be in the place where it makes sense for you.

Follow and Reach Out Twitter Influencers – Tweet at influencers in your industry. You can raise a question and share content you think they will enjoy. But be friendly by doing this and not pushy.

Image via Twitter

2. Using In-House Twitter Ads Options

You can also go for in-house Twitter advertisements as it can help you in targeting the right people who are looking for the same content and services. Here’s a rundown.

Use the Twitter Website Card

These ads allow you to preview an image, related content and a call to action in their timeline. It can easily drive traffic to your website.

You’ll receive 43% higher engagement with Website Cards than Tweets with links.

Image Source 

Go For Twitter AppCard

The App Card and allows the mobile users to preview an image, view your app ratings. Your app can be easily installed and opened from the timeline of the user.

This can help you tracking conversion on your campaign to measure app installs and opens.

Image Source

Opt for Twitter Lead Generation Cards

There is another kind of card specifically designed for Twitter for lead generation. These cards allow you to collect email addresses directly from Twitter. Through the directly attached call-to-action.

Twitter Lead Generation Cards are a paid service, unlike other cards where you create the card in the ad section and set a budget based on per day or lead basis.

Here’s an example from The Barista Bar

Ready to start? 

If you’ve decided to go on with social media then Twitter is a part which you can not neglect at all. If it’s taking time at starting I would suggest you not to cancel your Twitter campaign. Instead, wait and give some time to get it optimized.

If you have any booming idea to use Twitter for lead generation, we would be glad to be guided by you.

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