Marketing Tips for Companies in Heavy Industry

Date published: August 21, 2019
Last updated: August 21, 2019

Heavy industry, to put it simply, involves the manufacture of machines, materials, chemicals or any other product in large quantities. It’s a crucial sector that’s responsible for supplying the world with equipment creating consumer products. From robotics to consumer vehicles, everything we see and use every day is made in factories with large machinery. And just like any other sector, the heavy industry has key players who try to outsell each other within their respective niches. Marketing is just as essential in the world of heavy industry, and without a clear marketing strategy using recent tips and tools, companies in this highly competitive sector would be hard-pressed to grow their revenues and  cultivate a large following.

Regardless of your niche market, you may have to use these tactics and strategies to market your heavy industrial products.

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1. Start a great website with an engaging design

You should know by now that successful companies are in a better position to generate new customers through an engaging website. And let’s face it, you can also browse the internet for industrial solutions for your business, from OEM parts to machining services. That said, you should also start a website for your own line of products and services and for attracting new customers and business partners.

Your website should include content about your business and the range of products and services you offer. It should also have a straightforward design that makes it easier for visitors to navigate from one page to another. With an intuitive design, your website can be a powerful tool for educating your audience and getting them to make a purchase.

2. Build an effective social media presence

No matter the industry, using social media as part of your marketing strategy can help generate far reach. Having your own Facebook fan page and Twitter account helps to improve your branding and generate additional traffic to your website.

For this, you can share blog posts and infographics from your website to your social platforms. You can use marketing automation software such as HubSpot and Constant Contact to schedule your social media content and ensure that you’re constantly active online. 

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3. Start a newsletter campaign

Potential clients are bound to want to know more about your company and the range of services you offer. Your website and social media presence are simply not enough to allow such a deep connection with your audience. You also need to run a newsletter campaign where you can send out brochures and downloadable content such as e-books to people who subscribe through your website.

As a good rule of thumb, you will need to add engaging calls-to-action on your newsletters, write subject lines that encourage users to click and read your newsletter, and provide offers such as free trials and discount vouchers that will get them to sign up.

Marketing your industrial products and services is easy. You just have to apply the right marketing strategies and tips for placing your business front and center to achieve the highest possible ROI.

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