Popular Twitter Hashtags For The Tweep N00b

Date published: October 07, 2013
Last updated: October 7, 2013

Twitter hashtags can help you to communicate and find people who are talking about the same subjects and interests as you. Daily hashtags are a fun way to keep up with what's going on in the Twitosphere or participate in and view a Twitter chat. It can also be a great way for businesses to connect with their followers or potential consumers.

Here are some popular daily Twitter hashtags to help connect you with other tweeps (tweeps = Twitter + peeps):


#MusicMonday: A great way to share what you are listening to on Monday and learn about what types of music others are listening to.

#MemoryMonday: Share a special memory of yours on Monday. See what memories others are sharing as well!

#MondayMotivation: Tweet something motivational to help others get through their Monday.

#MondayMorning: Tweet what you are doing on Monday morning or what you are working on.

#MeowMonday: Share funny, cute, or awesome pictures of cats!

#FollowMonday: It's just like #FollowFriday, but why wait all week for Friday to come around?

#MutantMonday: Helps promote those around you doing gnarly things in the world. Cowabunga, dude!

#MonkeyMonday: A way to enjoy your Monday is by posting pictures, videos, jokes, and stories about monkeys. Users also promote their funniest Twitter Friends.

#MarketingMonday: Share marketing advice, tips, or articles.


#TravelTuesday: Share a travel story or article.

#FollowTuesday: #FollowFriday for Tuesdays.

#NoPantsTuesday: This originated from the eighth annual no-pants subway ride, a prank where New Yorkers and some in other cities ride the subway without pants.


#HumpDay: See what people are up to on hump day!

#HumpDayHaiku: Share your haikus on hump day.

#WonderfulWednesday: Best wishes for the middle of the week.

#WoofWednesday: Just like meowmonday, but for dog lovers.

#FollowWednesday: #FollowFriday for Wednesdays.

#WisdomWed: Created by Mashable Associate Editor @BenParr, #WisdomWed, “Helps spread knowledge across Twitter by sharing a piece of useful advice with followers on Wednesdays.”

#WineWednesday: Discuss favorite wines, ask questions and provide advice.

#Women2Follow: Every Wednesday, recommend women to follow on Twitter.


#ThankfulThursday: Share what you are thankful for.

#ThrowbackThursday OR #TBT: Share a picture or recall something from the past.

#RTThursday: Thank your retweeters in style.

#FollowThursday: #FollowFriday for Thursdays.


#FollowFriday: Let other tweeps know who they should follow and why.

#LeadFriday: Tired of following? How about being a leader?

#GoodNewsFriday: Share your good Friday news.


#Caturday: Cat + Saturday = Caturday. Sort of like #MeowMonday.

#WkendThx: A follow-up to #FollowFriday if you missed thanking your tweeps on Friday.


#LazySunday OR #SlothSunday: Typically catalogs people’s inactive, slothful Sunday activities (i.e. snuggling in bed with their furry friends, watching TV).

Use these fun daily hashtags to connect with people on Twitter in a new, fun way. But remember, don't use and abuse it and make your entire status a string of hashtags.

What are your favorite weekly hashtags? Tell us in the comments!

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