Start Your Engaging Email Marketing Campaign Today

Date published: July 17, 2019
Last updated: July 17, 2019

As an online marketer you know the value of emails. Despite the availability of many other communications platforms, such as social media, emails remain a major venue, and one of the most important for promoting a business.

Email marketing is the use of emails to deliver promotional messages or content. The fact that the majority of consumers have at least one email account makes this specific type of digital marketing highly effective and indispensable. Whatever strategy you’re taking, it’s almost impossible not to include email marketing in it.

The success of any email marketing campaign lies in its content. But of course, to ensure its deliverability, one of the first few things you should do is to run a special tool for email validation. You want to make sure that your list is consists of high-quality email addresses that actually exist and are active.

How to Make Your Campaign Engaging

Whether you’re emailing customers to inform them about your latest product offering or update, welcoming them to your subscription mailing list, confirming their order, or addressing a specific issue, your goal is to make your message appealing, meaningful, and well-designed. You want to engage your customers because when they’re engaged, they are more likely to respond positively on your message rather than ignoring it.

What are some ways to make your email campaign more engaging? Well, there is no single approach to creating powerful, engaging marketing emails. Here are some great ideas to get you started.

Start with a unique, captivating subject line

Let’s face it – even you wouldn’t want to waste your precious time on an email that doesn’t seem to interest you even if you have very exciting news to share, if your subject line doesn’t sound enticing enough, you are less likely to get a good response rate from your subscribers, let alone a high open rate. When it comes to email marketing, straightforward subject lines seem to have the most positive impact. In journalism this is called “not burying the lead.” This means telling them right away what you want them to know, whether it’s a 50% discount or a new product (specify what product). Adding emojis seem to work wonders as well. According to one study, marketing emails with emojis have 45% higher open rates than those that don’t have them.

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Don’t just focus on closing a sale

While emails are a great way to promote your products or services, they’re also a wonderful opportunity to connect with your customers and strengthen your relationships with them. With so many brands to choose from, consumers are putting more emphasis on the value they’ll get from the experience of dealing with the business along with the offers and value for money. An engaging marketing email is one that contains valuable information, such as helpful tips, relevant news, white paper, infographics, and other contents that don’t necessarily pressure customers into making a purchase.

Understand what appeals to your subscribers

It’s hard to make people open your emails when they’re not interested in what you offer in the first place. This is why it makes sense to segment your list. This way, you will know what types of content appeal to your each segment of your audience. You want your campaigns to be personalized and this involves more than simply addressing them by their first names. What is more important is that you give them the information they are looking for. If you’re giving away exclusive offers, you must make sure that your consumers actually want them.

Keep your message short and on-point

Not all your subscribers have the luxury of time to read lengthy emails. So cut to the chase and let them know what you want them to know right away. This doesn’t mean you can’t make your content creative. Sure, you can. If it’s helpful to add a link directing them to the content you are sharing, go ahead. But your email has to be short and direct. In most instances, a marketing email should not contain more than three sentences.

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Know the perfect time to send emails

There is no rule when it comes to the frequency of sending marketing emails. But of course you don’t want to overdo it. Otherwise your messages might end up being delivered to your subscribers’ junk or spam folders. Knowing how many times you should send emails each month depends on many factors and the only way to figure it out is to study the behavior of your audience. Most email marketing platforms come with data analytics that give you insights to help your strategies.

Email marketing is a powerful tool for promoting a business. However, in order for it to work, you must focus on engaging your customers. Make sure to provide value to your audience by giving them high-quality content that suit their interests. At the same time, make your subject line catchy and straightforward, your email short and strong, and your campaign schedules strategic.

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