What Does Google Really Do?

Date published: June 10, 2013
Last updated: June 10, 2013

It controls us marketers. If the search engine is good enough, it can make us allies in its mission to deliver problem-solving and entertaining content to its users.

It does this by simply making their algorithm reward marketers who help. People love to overcomplicate SEO, but it’s really that simple. Google literally created the content marketing industry, the fastest growing segment in marketing, by learning how to better reward SEOs who help.

We create problem solving and entertaining content, but that’s not good enough. We need to share it with the audiences that need it most. We use digital PR to share it with the online media outlets, communities, and social influencers who command our audiences. Google then sits back and analyzes the resulting relevancy signals. We generate these all-important signals that deem the content worthy of additional sharing by search engines. They need us for this.

And to the victor go the spoils. Win at search not by creating the most content, but by creating purposeful content that generates the best online press and social buzz. Become an authority or ‘hilltop’ in search engines, as deemed by your audience. Once you become an authority on a topic, all of your product and services pages related to that topic will get a corresponding rankings boost. We call this the halo effect.

Learn about how an earned media contribution strategy from Relevance can do all of this for you and much more.

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