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Customer Experience 101: 4 Tips To Help Improve Your Customer Relationships

Date published: December 06, 2018
Last updated: July 1, 2024

Want to know how to improve your customer website experience? Find out how to do so in this guide!

E-commerce websites, just like retail stores and traditional businesses, must have a good customer service team. Especially for pages where the customer has to enter a confirmation email or a checkout page. As a rule of thumb, you want to make your page intriguing, and easy to navigate in order to prevent and customer service issues.

And in this guide, we'll give you some tips on how you can improve customer website experience So let's begin!

Show Your Contact Information

Nonetheless, make sure that you include important contact information such as the telephone number and email are visible on each page of your eCommerce website. This will give your customers a direct way to get in touch with you if they are experiencing any problems with the product they've purchased.

You don't have to overload your customers with information that they don't need (especially on the FAQ section). Only include that information if its necessary. Sometimes an overcrowded FAQ section will lead the customers away from your page.

When your customers submit a ticket or ask a question, you have to be prepared to manage these issues and tickets promptly and solve it quick. Any delay will create negative feedback, which leads you to risk losing customers in the process.

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Utilize Social Media Networks

Today's generation is used to social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube. You should take advantage of these platforms by creating strategies that will increase customer engagement. This is a cost-effective solution to your marketing efforts.

Also, social media networks are a fast communication channel that allows you to deal with ongoing customer issues faster than calling customer support or ticket submission. When it's implemented properly, you can improve customer website experience, which will lead to long-term loyalty and revenue.

Customer Reviews

Use customer reviews when trying to improve the customer website experience. The reviews help inform new buyers what items are popular and which items have good quality and performance.

Potential customers read a myriad of reviews, and it helps make the buying process easier for the user to decide.

People like feedback that’s from people who previously purchased and used the same product. Make sure that the customers can see the reviews on the product page they’re viewing. This can help influence their decision to buy items or divert attention on a related item.

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Personalize Transaction Emails

Your transaction email is the most important part of your writing that you don’t want to compromise. This is important to the content that you place on your website itself. Your transaction emails are usually read by people why have completed a sale. Make sure to send these follow up emails after each transaction.

Think about the tone of the email. Is it happy, upbeat, friendly? Would you be happy to use the traditional old tone that today’s businesses now see as obsolete?

We suggest that you try something new - a fresh, upbeat tone that tells them how delighted you are that they completed a purchase? Better yet, you should personalize the email as if you were talking to a friend.


Improving your customer website experience is not a one-day task. This means that you’ll have to research what your customer needs, create an expert web design team, and solve any issues that your customers are facing. By doing this, you’ll see more website traffic, better conversions and more engagement on your page!

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