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Video SEO: Making Waves in the Digital Ocean

Date published: April 27, 2011
Last updated: April 27, 2011

Video killed the radio star, but your video isn’t going to be killing it if users don't view it. Video SEO is a must.

Search engine optimization is extremely important for videos - especially when you consider today’s integrated search results pages.

In the past, people searched for videos by clicking on a specialized video search; now YouTube videos frequently show up in the regular organic search listings.

Whatever industry you’re in, videos represent a tremendous market opportunity. YouTube has become the second-largest search engine next to Google.

1. comScore Statistics

Consider these numbers from comScore, the experts in digital business analytics:

  • There are now 33.9 billion videos on the internet. (That’s well over four videos for every person on the planet.)
  • YouTube now has 14.6 billion videos.
  • Each minute, users upload 15 hours of video to YouTube.

With interest in video growing at such an astounding rate, smart companies are finding ways to take advantage.

Consider that video increases the engagement visitors have to a website. Videos will cause visitors to stay longer on your site, which translates to greater selling opportunities.

1. Video SEO Analytics

In fact, 65 percent of visitors will watch a video to completion. However, only 10 percent of visitors will read an entire website, according to Diana Caldwell, marketing director with Cantaloupe TV, the Indianapolis-based video company.

Even better: 12 percent of users coming from a video are ready to buy. While on the other hand, 1 percent of buyers are text-only users, Caldwell adds.

That’s what your brand should focus on: Engaging with the right customers in a relevant way. Essentially, engage in a way that your company can benefit from.

Concluding Thoughts

The SEO challenge is that your video is just a drop in an ocean of existing videos; that’s why we’re constantly working to develop cutting-edge video optimization strategies.

Video SEO should be just one part of your overall SEO strategy. With our video expertise, we’ll optimize your videos. Most importantly, we'll increase the number of customers who view them, share them with their networks - and buy your products.

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