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How To Improve SEO For Your Newly-Launched Website

Date published: June 19, 2020
Last updated: June 19, 2020

If you are either preparing to launch a new website or if you have already launched, there are quite a few important steps that you can take in order to proactively boost your SEO performance from day one (and earlier, in some cases). Take a look below at a few of the ways that you can help improve your SEO performance from launch day forward. Launching a new site is a great way to reach new potential customers, help to drive new traffic, and ultimately increase your business, but like anything, you will need to take steps to make it happen and stay diligent along the way.

Take a look below at some important ways that you can improve your SEO on your new website, and leave us any additional tips or tricks that you have found helpful in the comments.

Hire an SEO Company

This might seem like a bit of a non-tip, but hiring an SEO company is a failsafe way to ensure that your SEO strategy gets the attention that it deserves from an experienced and dedicated team of specialists. You are busy running your own business, and if your strategy works then you will be fielding new inquiries, so it might make the most sense to hand off this specific marketing effort to a pro.

Install Analytics Tools

Google and Bing both offer very useful tools such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Bing Webmaster Tools that will give you granular, detailed information about how your website is performing and gives you insight into what you can change to improve performance. Without useful performance metrics, you are left making SEO decisions by feel, which is another way to say “wasting your time.”

Create a Content Calendar

All too often, a company launches a new website and is enthusiastic about maintaining a blog, reaching new users, and providing ongoing updated content. The reality is often quite different. After a few blog posts, it can be easy to skip on here and there, then skip a few, and all of a sudden your last post is from 6 months ago. By creating a calendar, complete with post topics, you can hold yourself accountable and continue to put out useful content.

Check Your Titles and Tags

Launching a website and forgetting to make sure that your meta tags, titles, alt tags, and descriptions are all in-line with your SEO keywords strategy is an easy mistake to make, and one that will have serious impacts on your search page rankings. Search engine crawlers use these tags as indicators for the overall content of your site, in addition to analyzing the content itself. Missing tags or titles indicates a careless site manager, which may indicate that Google is better off sending their users to another page.

Optimize For Load Times

One of the easiest ways to get bumped down in the search results page is to have a page that loads slowly. There are a lot of different reasons for a site to load slowly, including the siren song of extra plugins, autoplaying videos on your homepage, and cramming full-resolution images onto your page without first compressing them. Each of these will cause your site to load slower, and for the search engines to dock you valuable points for where you land on the search results pages.

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