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How to Increase Customer Satisfaction with Instagram Polls

Date published: August 23, 2018
Last updated: July 9, 2024

Running a business requires attracting new customers, as well as focusing on retaining your existing customers by satisfying their needs. In fact, the latter plays a crucial role in growing revenue, for retaining your existing customers will pay off more on the long-term than simply interesting customers in a one-time buy. In order to keep your existing customers, you need to give them a reason to choose your brand over other brands.

One way of achieving this is by measuring the customer satisfaction, as well as increasing it afterward. By increasing customer satisfaction you are sure to keep your existing customers, and consequently attract new ones, who you can, in turn, retain.

In order to understand what your customers need, want, and expect, the simplest thing to do is to ask for their opinion. Asking for your customers' opinion can aid you quite a lot in improving your products and/or services. The way in which you can get your customers' opinion is by interacting with them in an engaging way, for instance, via Instagram polls.

Increase Customer Satisfaction with Instagram Polls

With Instagram polls, which you can post on your Instagram stories, you can ask a question to your followers, as well as see all the answers as they vote. This poll sticker is interactive, and you can place it at any place within your Instagram posts. You also have the option to customize the choice of the poll.

Instagram is an awesome tool for engaging with your customers. As of June 2018, there are one billion active Instagram users, so the probability that your customers are on Instagram would be pretty high. Furthermore, the Instagram story feature is being used by over 400 million accounts on a daily basis. For these reasons, using Instagram polls in order to increase customer satisfaction is a smart step you can take. Let us check out the ways in which you can achieve this.

1. Ask Your Customers Yes/No Questions

Asking your customers a "yes/no" question is one of the simplest and easiest ways to engage with your followers. By the act of simply voting "yes" or "no" your customers are being given the chance to influence your decision, which will in turn make them like you more since you have them the opportunity to be your decision-makers. These kinds of polls create an atmosphere of competition, which in turn, generate excitement. In other words, you are making your customers happy by giving them the power to decide, and at the same time, you are getting valuable insights for your business.

2. Ask Your Customers for a Product Choice

Instead of going through the difficult process of choosing the perfect product for your target audience, you can use Instagram Stories polls in order to have your followers do this for you. With Instagram Stories polls you can ask your customers what their preferences are, which serves a great tactic to attract attention to your brand.

In order to make such a poll, you can simply choose two images of your brand's products, and place them next to each other, sharing the details about each product. Ask your customers which product they prefer, monitor the feedback you will get from them, and create a game plan. By doing so, you will promote your products at the same time, since you will be able to share specifications about them and your customers will have to read those specifications in order to choose the product of their preference.

3. Let Your Customers Rate Products

Instead of using "yes/no" polls, you can use emojis in order to enable your customers to rate your products. By letting your customers rate your products with emojis, you can gain valuable insight into their opinions on your respective products and/or services. Emojis are a great way to inspire customer engagement. Consequently, Instagram Polls which contain emojis can make your customers happy, since they will have the opportunity to express their opinions on certain products and/or services, and give you insights on the manners in which you can potentially improve your products and/or services.

4. Inspire Your Customers to Share Opinions

Letting your customers share their opinions can be very valuable to your business, and consequently to your revenue. By giving your customers the opportunity to express their opinions, you can get great insights into the customer experience, as well as tips on how to improve your products and/or services. You can inspire your customers to share their opinions by creating a trendy topic that your followers would consider engaging.

You can create an Instagram Poll whose focus would not be on products, rather on various other things which will engage your customers. You can run Instagram quizzes and tests in order to see what your followers are interested in, or you can encourage your followers to share stories of some kind in order to create a trend.

In this way, you will promote customer engagement on Instagram and at the same time show your customers that you care about them. Consequently, you will raise awareness about your brand, as well as increase customer satisfaction.

5. Use Clickable Links to Gain Insight

Instagram polls are excellent tools for gaining insight from your customer base. But the thing that makes Instagram polls even more valuable tools is that you can use Instagram polls as channels which lead to full company surveys. You can do this by publishing an Instagram Story with a "yes/no" poll and adding a special link to the story in order to encourage your followers to learn more about it. This way you will be able to conduct a meticulous survey, and in turn, gain insights from your followers. Make sure that your survey is connected to your Instagram Story - otherwise, you will not turn out great in the eyes of your customers.

All in all, Instagram is an awesome interactive platform, which serves as a great customer service tool. Instagram polls are an excellent feature when it comes to asking feedback from your followers, gaining valuable insights from them about your products and/or services, as well as using the suggestions of your followers in order to increase customer satisfaction.

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