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How to Use Your Competitors Sites To Your Advantage

Date published: February 21, 2019
Last updated: July 15, 2024

We are all on the constant lookout to increase conversions and grow sales for our online stores. We all In today’s age more and more people are using the internet to shop, so it is essential for any online business, or even those who have a brick and mortar store, but a website as well to get as much traffic as they can to their site so they can gain more customers and increase their revenue. In order to grow your website traffic you will have to work on increase your organic ranking with search engines, most specifically Google.

One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is by looking at what your competitors are doing and try to use their tactics and ideas to boost traffic, will should increase your sales for your own business and beat your competition. These tips are totally legit, clean and open to the public for all to use.

Medical Scrubs Collection, and online nursing uniform store selling scrubs to men and women uses this tactic all the time. They look at what others in the same line of business are doing and glean ideas, and then go ahead and implement them on their site to give their customers an amazing user experience, which in turn translates into more sales and profit.

Onsite SEO:

Simply, you can just visit your competitor’s site and look around and see what features they use that you currently don’t have on your site. See what keywords they are targeting and how they are targeting them. If they are ranking for a particular valuable keyword, take a look at their meta information, content on their page and backlink profile to see how you can gain some of that traffic.

We all know how important content is in the world of SEO, but sometimes our mind just draws a blank. We simply can’t think of anything to write about. This is when you have to look at what others in the same field of work as you are writing and try to draw some inspiration from them.

See What Not To Do:

You can also look at your competitor’s site and see what they are doing wrong, and what you would want to avoid. Sometimes you need to look at someone else to get a different perspective on something you wouldn’t’ve noticed on your own site.

Grow Your Link Profile:

Anyone working on a website is well aware of the importance of links and making sure you have a robust and healthy link profile of relevant sites that are linking back to your website. But, it can sometimes get difficult to find those high quality, relevant sites to link to. This is where your competition can be quite helpful to you and you can try to grow your profile by getting your competitors backlinks. One way of accomplishing this is by looking at where they guest post and reach out to those same blog and guest blog there. There are also professional tools out there to find content written by a particular author if you know that author writes for a particular site to get ideas where to guest blog. You can also look in SEMrush at your competitor’s backlink profile for additional ideas.

Be Up To Date

Another thing to keep in mind if you are a-ecommerce site is to lookout for new products, lines and brands that you don’t have on your site yet. Being on top of the game and always have fresh and new products in ecommerce is so very essential to succeed.

Social Media Presence:

Monitoring your competitor’s social media presence is also a good thing to take a look at. Social media presence is a big ranking signal for Google, so you would want to see which of your competitors are have a significant presence on the social media outlets and see what they are doing right. Try to create a similar social media plan to engage and grow your followers and create more brand awareness.

If you will implements some of the above mentioned tips you are sure to improve your rankings, and grow your business in a major way.

Unveil your competitors’ marketing secrets from SEMrush. Just enter their website to get a customized report. It’s free.

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